Posted by Roxy on Sat, 02/03/2018 - 2:31 PM

Taken from Faith and Health Connection

5 Reasons Why God Wants Us Healthy, Well and Fit

our-body-is-gods-templeThere are probably a few hundred reasons that might motivate you to care for yourself and to be healthy. Here are five, actually four, reasons that motivate me at a really deep level… and I think that these are reasons why God would want us all to be motivated by.

  1. It glorifies God
  2. You’re taking care of your body –  His temple
  3. It’s being a good witness
  4. You’ll have more energy – be better equipped for what God has planned for you
  5. I need your help with a 5th reason?

It Glorifies God

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that whatever we do we’re to do it to the glory of God. It also tells us in Isaiah that we were created and formed by God to glorify Him.  This is our primary purpose in life – to glorify God. We do that when we care for our body and live a healthy lifestyle.

Our Body is God’s Temple and for Us to Care For

One scripture that reminds us that our body is God’s temple is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. God’s Holy Spirit lives inside a believer.  After we accept Jesus into heart, God gives us His Spirit to help us live the kind of life He wants us to live.  Since God actually lives in us, Paul tells us in htis verse that our body is His temple.  Since God “bought” us with a high price, Jesus’ death, than we are obligated to care for our body which is His temple.

If you are not a believer in Jesus but want to join His family, read more here.

Being Healthy is Being a Good Witness

Acts 1:8 reminds us that we are to be witnesses for other people.  People look for us to be models of the Christian faith.  We ought to desire to live our lives in a way that represents our faith well.  Taking care of our health is one way that we can be a good witness.

You’ll Have More Energy to Do God’s Work

Ephesians 2:10 helps us see that we are God’s masterpiece, created to do the good things that He had planned a long time ago for us to do.  We all know that the more fit and healthy we are the more energy we will have.  The more energy that we have, the more we can put into whatever task we are doing.  We’ll also be better able to sustain ourself for the long haul.

What’s a 5th Reason?

What is one other reason that you think God wants us to be healthy? 

Something to Reflect On

What we believe determines what we do.  I suspect that if you believe what I’ve written above, and you value your relationship with God, it’s likely that you are taking good care of your body and your health.

How well are you taking care of yourself and your health?